2023 Halloween French residential revision courses:

These intensive revision courses aim at reinforcing the four language skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking) needed to succeed at the exams. 


  • Junior Cert:  Mon 30th Oct (6pm) - Wed 1st Nov 2023 (6pm)

(This course will include some Halloween fun activities after 5:30pm on the evening of the 31st of October to celebrate Halloween!! The students can bring a Halloween outfit.)

  • Leaving Cert (H.L):  Thu 2nd Nov (6pm) - Sat 4th Nov 2023 (6pm ) 

This course includes notes for the students.

It also include the 21 oral revision modules that you can find on my website. (These modules include an audio recording and a script in French and in English and they cover all the questions of the French oral Leaving Cert exam.) These modules  will be sent to the students by email.


VENUE: Solenn's School - Bealady Farm - Rathdowney - Co.Laois - R32P2T8

PRICE:  €280



  • Arrival of the students around 6pm
  • Supper and ice breaker activities
  • French movie


  • 9am: breakfast
  • 9:30 am- 10:45am: French classes
  • 10:45am-11:00am: break and snack (juice and croissant)
  • 11:00am-12:45pm: French classes (with a mini break in the middle)
  • 1pm: Lunch
  • Small walk outside after lunch
  • 2pm-5:30pm: French classes with a small break and a snack at 4pm
  • 5:30pm: boardgames (or preparing and celebrating Halloween!)
  • 7:30pm: dinner
  • French movie


Same as day 2 but the students will be collected around 6pm to go back home.


      Size of the group: maximum 8 students.                                 

      Teacher: Solenn Ryan

      Accommodation : There are 3 bedrooms for the students in the house. The boys sleep in a large bedroom upstairs. The girls are accommodated in 2 bedrooms downstairs (4 girls and 5 girls per bedroom). The house is spacious.

      Allergy or fear of animals: We live on a farm and our two dogs  live in the house. Please be aware of this if your child is allergic or is afraid of dogs. The house and the garden are separated from the farm and the students are supervised at all time. They are not allowed to go to the farmyard on their own.

      Meals: All the meals are prepared here with fresh food.  Coeliac and lactose intolerant children as well as vegetarian children are welcome.

      Use of mobile phone, tablet and computer: The students have access to their mobile phone or tablet only for half an hour in the evening to ring their parents. The phones or tablets are not allowed otherwise and will be held by me the rest of the time. The children who don’t have a phone can ring their parents at any time on my mobile phone. The use of computer, tablets or video games is forbidden during the whole stay at Solenn’s School.